Past Exhibitions:

A D U E T T E - Juliette Blightman and Adam Stamp

hosted generously by GALERIA MASCOTA

Ruchama Norda


the exhibition formerly known as trace image

O-Town House hosted by Galerie Deborah Schamoni

art-o-rama 2022

Constantin Nitsche and Adam Stamp

Sarah Szczesny

Sarah Loses Out (You Ought to be in Pictures)

Studio K.O.S.

Invisible Man Workshop

James Benning



Held & Abandoned

Owen Fu

Ordinary Things

Adam Stamp

big fucking sculpture and a few flat things

Constantin Nitsche - VIOLETTE

Nora Schultz - o-ton & the o-ton

Sean Randolph


Pathologically Social - Group Show

Organized with Mark Verabioff

Pippa Garner -

a shadow of my future self

Gerry Bibby -

In Case of Emergency

Housewarming -

Cerith Wyn Evans